Andrea, Usa le stesse due stringhe, per tutti gli strumenti, che vengono usati per scaricare i file chn per l’UK, tanto se si trovano in corrispondenza dell’icona degli strumenti, non occorre specificare il modello. Ci pensa il nome del file scaricato a specificare lo strumento per il quale č stato generato il chn: Manual CHN plan for Astra 28 Wide Band Transponder list for dish alignment Manual CHN plan for Astra 28 Wide Band Transponder list for dCSS and dSCR Multiswitch Nel “i” da associare alle stringhe sopra, uguale per tutti gli strumenti metti: Per “Manual CHN plan for Astra 28 Wide Band Transponder list for dish alignment” scrivi: “This channel plan contains all transponders sorted by Polarization (H and V), this ease measurements when having two cables coming from an LNB or other unit with one polarization each. After uploading to your meter, this Manual channel plan will show, in its name, an L as a suffix, that stands for LNB” Per “ Manual CHN plan for Astra 28 Wide Band Transponder list for dCSS and dSCR Multiswitch”: “This channel plan contains all transponders sorted, as usual, by frequency value, this ease measurements when using a dCSS or dSCR Multiswitch output. After uploading to your meter, this Manual channel plan will show, in its name, an M as a suffix, that stands for Multiswitch” Grazie Gino