New SW updates available in the “SW UPDATE” area for the HD TAB 700 and 900 instruments series.
2.58 version:
2.54 version:
- Bugs fixing;
- “AUTOMEMORY TV” function: Added the possibility to select the “START” and “STOP” channel before to start the adquisition;


- “TV” and “CATV” modality: Added the possibility to digit the channel number (of a MASTER plan) touching the numerical-keyboard on the screen:

- “SHORT CIRCUIT” message: If a SHORT CIRCUIT will happen on the RF input connector, a pop-up message will appear:

- Implemented the possibility of changing the screen (for example in TV mode) from MEASUREMENTS to CONSTELLATION, from COSTELLATION to ECHOES, from ECHI to MER vs CARRIER and so on, simply by touching the left part of the screen;
- Added new DISCOVERY modes in TV mode:– Press the VOLUME button,
– Select “TV”,
1) Select “Only DVBT” for automatic recognition of DVB-T/T2 digital TV signals ONLY;
2) Or, select “DVBT + AnTV” for automatic recognition of DVB-T/T2 digital signals and Analog TV signals;
3) Or, select “DVBT&C+AnTV” for automatic recognition of DVB-T/T2/C digital signals and Analog TV signals.