IMPORTANT: This refers to models equipped with HEVC board for the only viewing of the DIGITAL images transmitted in HEVC.
The deactivation of the HEVC board does not affect the correct execution of the PWR-MER-aBER-bBER-N.MARG etc. measurements but increases the autonomy of the instrument by about 1 hour.
- Press the VOLUME CONFIGURATION button;
- Select the item CONFIGURATION MENU;
- Select the item HEVC MENU;

- Screen with HEVC board ENABLED (HECV DECODER IS ENABLED), click DISABLE DECODER to disable the HEVC board;

- Screen with HEVC board DISABLED (HEVC DECODER IS DISABLED), click on ENABLE DECODER to activate the HEVC board.

- When the instrument is turned off, the selected settings will be stored and kept in subsequent restarts;
- The MENUS (wording and graphics) of the figures shown in the following “F.A.Q.” may vary from model to model and depending on the SW version installed.